Hospitals Make Moves Towards Total Health With Healthy Eating Program

Hospitals are where you go if you’ve been injured or have some kind of serious health issue, but what if it was a place where you could learn more about preventative issues like healthy eating as well? According to this post from Food Service Director, five hospitals in the Wellmont, TN area are trying to do just that by placing tray liners with health and nutrition information on patients’ food trays. The tray liners are meant to give all patients, but especially those dealing with diabetes or potentially on the verge of the disease, access to important and relevant health information, especially as it pertains to the foods they eat. The hospitals hope that by providing this kind of preventative information, they’ll be empowering patients to make healthy choices once they’re in recovery mode back at home. In addition to the tray liners, many of the associated hospitals have also put up posters, pamphlets, or other sources of food-related health information to extend beyond just patients. The information on the tray liners is based off of federal government guidelines for healthy eating, and educates patients about how they should be dividing each meal between proteins, non-starchy items like vegetables, and starchy items like potatoes or rice.

Read the full article here: Hospital Tries New Approach to Promote Healthy Eating

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