Looking for ways to appeal to consumers and create a lasting impression and positive experience? These tips can help!

Start by instructing your staff on going the extra mile. Service with a smile is a good place to start, but take it a step farther and cater to individuals. Ask for feedback and respond to it while taking their ideas into consideration.

Keep your menu fresh and unique and focus on marketing that, but don’t compromise quality.

Read the full article here: Exceed Customer Expectations In Your Restaurant With These 6 Tips


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If you want your employees to respect you and do their job well, you have to respect them and do your job well. A big part of that can be summed up with one word: communication.

Good bosses trust their employees to do their jobs without their constant supervision, but that doesn’t mean you should pull yourself away from them completely only to interact when absolutely necessary. Be accessible and approachable if they have any problems and work together for a solution. If you notice a problem, bring it up, but be tactful and understanding.

Greeting everyone individually with a smile and a hello will go a long way to boost morale, as well as establish your position as the leader of the team. Acknowledge when someone does a good job, and if you notice someone struggling, do what you can to instruct and help them. How you come across determines how your staff sees you, and you want to be seen in a positive light.

Remember that you are only as strong as your team, so be sure to express gratitude for the work they do. A simple “thank you” goes a long way!

Read the full article here: 5 Tips for Being a Good Boss From Restaurateur and Baking God Joanne Chang


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