In order to get customers excited about your menu offerings, you need to get creative. Limited time offers (LTOs) can draw them through your doors when used strategically. This article from Nation’s Restaurant news offers a LTO ideas that are sure to grab some attention, such as seasonal promotions, special events, and partnerships.

Read the full article here: Promoting menu excitement


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Restaurants are major energy hogs, more than many other types of commercial buildings. The cost of cooking, heating water, keeping food cold, and lighting adds up quickly. There are many benefits to pursuing energy efficiency in your restaurant, and many strategies you can try. Your staff can (and should) help!

This article from Fast Casual describes how your employees can make a big difference in your quest for achieving a more energy efficient business, but first you need to get them involved. You have to communicate with them the importance of energy efficiency and motivate them to care about your energy plan.

Listen to their feedback and ideas, and form a team with a plan. If you have a large group of employees, choose a leader to make sure everyone does their part. Ultimately energy efficiency benefits everyone!

Read the full article here: Saving energy with employee engagement: Strategies for restaurants


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While Millennials are seeking healthy flavor adventures and baby boomers are enjoying a home-cooked style comeback, there are certain restaurant items that Americans simply can’t get enough of. This article at Shiftgig lists six menu staples that seem to be in demand no matter what, including pizza, burgers, sandwiches, chicken tenders, salads and soup, and sides!

Read the full article here: The 6 Most Over-Ordered Items at Restaurants


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