Food innovators and restaurants alike are interested in adding more Asian flavors to the mix. Whether or not your restaurant’s concept works with Asian cuisine is irrelevant since many Asian flavors are already part of our culture. Just look at Sriracha! This article from FSR Magazine describes how this trend is impacting the food service landscape.

Read the full article here: Adding Asian Flair to Modern Menus


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When you work at a restaurant you become part of a team, a family of sorts. You learn a lot from each other, too. Sometimes seasoned staff like to play a few initiation tricks on new hires, but it’s all in good fun. It’s how they say “welcome aboard!”

This article from Shiftgig has a number of real jokes and pranks played on new servers and other food service staff, and some of them are truly genius. Asking them to get a bucket of steam or borrow a left-handed spatula from the restaurant next door are great, but how about mopping the parking lot? Hilarious!

Of course you’re going to be nice and stop your new hires from doing anything dangerous or spending too much time on ridiculous made-up tasks, but they are certainly moments they’ll never forget!

Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of an initiation prank like these?

Read the full article here: 10 Restaurant “Initiations” You Have Probably Been Through


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Food waste is a hot button issue, and restaurants are doing their part to combat it. Statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency show that 40% of food in America goes uneaten while one person goes hungry for every six. Some restaurants believe this needs to change and are donating excess food to charities.

Read the full article here: Trash Talk, Part 2 – Donating Surplus Food


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