Running a successful restaurant is a difficult enough venture on its own, but having the time, energy and financial resources to also develop a strategic restaurant marketing program can be exhausting. This post from Buzztime may help you skirt that issue entirely with the idea of offering entertainment via local musical talent to help market your bar or restaurant and improve the overall customer experience for your diners.

Read the full article here: Feature Local Musical Talent for Free Marketing


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Managing a restaurant is not an easy task, and it takes a good manager for any restaurant to even stand a chance at being successful. It’s the manager’s job to keep the FOH and BOH teams working seamlessly together, make sure jobs are getting done the way they’re supposed to, and make sure diners are having the best possible experience in regards to both their meal and the quality of the customer service. Think you’re up to the task?

This post from Shiftgig provides a guideline for being a great manager, and also being respected and beloved by your employees. One of the most important things that any good manager should do is listen to their team members. If there’s a problem between the FOH and BOH, or certain dishes aren’t selling the way they should be, it’s critical that you pay attention to the feedback your team is giving you and work together to create solutions. Additionally, it’s important that you be an encouraging and positive force for your employees, treating them with respect and praising them when they’re performing their tasks exceptionally well, and making sure they know you have their back should any problems arise. For more tips of improving your managerial skills, continue reading.

Read the full article here: How to Be the Manager that Everyone Loves


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While there’s no denying the love Americans have for beef or chicken, it’s actually pork that continues that has been the fastest-growing protein in the U.S. for the last four years. This post from Global Meat News explains the pork-loving phenomenon, and how restaurants can take advantage of the craze with flavorful dishes like carnitas and pulled pork.

Read the full article here: Pork Shines in US Foodservice


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