Accepting credit and debit cards at your bar or restaurant makes the customer experience more seamless and enjoyable for diners, but it can leave your business vulnerable to online credit card fraud. Fortunately, there are plenty of steps you can take to protect yourself against fraud attacks, and this post from Restaurant Hospitality lists some of the most important defenses to follow.

Read the full article here: Best Practices to Avoid Credit Card Fraud


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If you’re concerned about the small cost required to set up a gift card program for your bar or restaurant, don’t be. Despite what some may think, gift cards actually lead to higher margins for restaurants, as people tend to spend more than their gift card amount and many gift cards go unused entirely. This post from FSR Magazine has all the details behind why you should offer this profitable service.

Read the full article here: 3 Surprising Ways Gift Cards Drive Higher Margins for Restaurants


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Even if you know your kitchen is clean, there’s no more nerve-racking feeling than a surprise visit from the health inspector while you struggle to remember if you cleaned the burners and took out the trash last night, all while trying to maintain an air of cool. While there’s not much you can do about the surprise nature of health inspections, there are some things you can do to ensure that you’ll never great the inspector with a sinking feeling in your stomach again. This post from eTundra is a great checklist to keep in mind for keeping your kitchen clean on a daily basis, so you always know all the boxes have been checked when it’s inspection time.

One of the most important things to stay on top of is to regularly check the temperature of all of your food products, but especially with any raw proteins. Even a slight change in temperature can leave meats like chicken and pork susceptible to harmful bacteria, and can potentially make guests sick. Furthermore, it’s important to check every food delivery you receive to ensure that food has been transported to your restaurant in a safe manner. For more tips on keeping your kitchen spick-and-span, continue reading.

Read the full article here: Back of House Inspection Checklist


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