In the foodservice industry, every restaurant needs a dedicated and hardworking team behind it in order to be successful. The FOH and BOH teams have to be able to work well together in order to maintain sanity and customer satisfaction as the dinner rush hits, and the management team needs to be able to trust their employees while also leading them to success. So, what does it take to actually be part of a successful restaurant team? A lot more than just hard work. This post from Shiftgig covers ten of the best ways for anyone in the foodservice industry to become a better part of their team.

One of the best ways to make yourself an invaluable team member? By being dependable with your schedule and showing up on time to each shift. Sure, everyone needs a personal day from time to time, but if you’re calling in “sick” more often than not, you probably need to reevaluate. By being on time regularly, your team will come to see you as a reliable member. Additionally, if other members of the team regularly call in sick or show up late, offer to pitch in and cover for them to pick up some slack. Being willing to help the team under any circumstance, even if it’s not your direct responsibility, will go a long way.

Read the full article here: 10 Tips for Becoming Part of a Team


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While diners are eating out more than ever before, they’re also constantly on the go, running from meetings and appointments to kids’ extracurricular activities, with not much time to stop somewhere for a sit-down lunch in between. Enter, the new and improved takeout window. This post from Restaurant Hospitality explains the new update on an old concept, and how it’s keep diners engaged (and fed!).

Read the full article here: Trendinista: Restaurants Broaden Reach With Takeout Windows


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If you want your restaurant to have a reputable bar component, then you need to serve your drinks in the right kinds of glasses. Buying quality glassware for a variety of beverages is certainly an investment, but it’s one that’s undoubtedly worth making. This post from Buzztime gives a rundown on all the glass types you’ll need for a serious bar, from the difference between red and white wine glasses to various shapes and sizes of cocktail glasses.

Read the full article here: Bar Glassware Guide 101


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