Moviegoers don’t have to just settle for old popcorn and gummy candy when they go to see the latest flicks anymore. Silverspot Cinemas has teamed up with the David Burke Group to create Trilogy, a fine dining concept that serves as an alternative to traditional concession stand fare. The restaurant offers seriously haute cuisine items like tuna tartare wontons, duck confit Banh Mi, and BLT lobster rolls. Customers can choose to eat in a wood-paneled dining room or bring their meals to the movie with them. The restaurant also offers a selection of cocktails named after classic movies like the Seabiscuit Julep and the From Russia With Love.

Read the full article here: Inspirations: Blockbuster Trilogy



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Many people who want to open restaurants are held back from achieving their dreams by the high financial cost of entering the restaurant industry. Although it can seem daunting to get a restaurant financed, getting approved for a loan doesn’t have to be an insurmountable task. As the U.S. recovers from the financial crisis of a few years ago, lenders are now becoming more open to lending money to restaurateurs, especially for fast casual concepts.

The traditional option for restaurant financing is a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan. This is a low-risk option, but it requires borrowers to put up collateral to cover the whole cost of the loan. Other funding avenues like IPOs and crowdfunding can also be good options. IPOs have become a more common way for restaurants to get funding since the passage of the 2012 JOBS act made it easier for startups to fund themselves this way.

Regardless of the method of funding a restaurateur chooses, they need to keep basic principles about financing in mind. They should remember to not get tied up in long-term financial commitments and make realistic predictions about cash flow, and always attempt to keep costs low.

Read the full article here: Are You Following the 12 Dos and Don’ts of Restaurant Financing?



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Tabletops are an often-neglected aspect of restaurant operation. Despite their seemingly simple nature, tabletops can be used for branding and for creating a positive customer experience. One great way tabletops can be leveraged for operator benefit is by displaying well-liked brands of condiments and sauces on the table. This creates a subconscious feeling of trust in the customer by showing that the restaurant uses the same products in their food that the customer does at home.

Read the full article here: The Power of the Tabletop



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