There are many ways in which you can let the holidays influence your menu options. Even though the holiday menu for December is over, you still have Chinese New Year to look forward to and many of your customers would probably enjoy some Chinese-themed items on the menu! If you are looking for a great way to incorporate Chinese New Year as a theme for your menu, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Tim Drum Honors Chinese New Year with New Menu Offerings and Celebratory Festivities



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When it comes to your menu, you understand the basics of making food that your patrons enjoy. A big part of that comes with making food that’s fresh and filled with tasty ingredients. The best way to pander to your local clientele is to work with a familiar palette to their taste buds. This starts with going to your local farmers markets, gardens, and farms to look for vegetables, meats, and dairy that are as local as the clients you are serving. This not only keeps your food palette in the same range, but also allows for you to serve food that is as fresh as it gets. You also are supporting your business better because getting local ingredients tends to be less expensive than importing from many sources across the country and globe! While you may still want to play with the menu and add a twist to local flavors, consider starting to source in your restaurant’s own backyard. If you are looking for great reasons to get local ingredients for your restaurant, read this article today!

Read the full article here: Plot Out Locally-Sourced Ingredients


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It’s true what they say that you eat with your eyes first! For your patrons, they want to be wowed by how the food looks on the plate before the even pick up their fork and knife. This is probably why the social media culture around food has grown based on sharing the great appearances of plated meals. If you own a restaurant, read this article today to learn about food design!


Read the full article here: Designs on Food



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