When it comes to glassware and your bar, you may know the basics of how to match the beverage with the glass. But does your knowledge tap out after high ball, low ball, beer steins, shot glasses and wine glasses? There are many ways to beautifully present your drinks, and your glassware can be a further reflection of the style in your restaurant. If you are looking for a great way to highlight the beauty of your drinks, read this article on how to best match them with glasses!


Read the full article here: Matching Bar Glassware to the Drinks You Serve



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There are many reasons why you should get to know your cuts of meat. Think about it: you are trying to create a tasty new dish that your customers will love. You could go with the pork or maybe even some beef, but you want something a little different and unique. Lamb is a great animal because it not only tastes like familiar farm animals, but it has a particular palette that is refreshing and earthy. Getting your meat from a butcher can be a great way to get your meat, but why not cut out the middle man and learn how to butcher the meat yourself? By doing this, you will not only deepen your knowledge of the animal but it can also open your eyes to the different type of dishes that you can make and expand on in your arsenal. If you are looking for ways to get to know lamb well and start brainstorming new and exciting dishes for your patrons, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Know Your Cuts: Lamb



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Many restaurant owners and chefs will prefer to try out new cuisines or recipes in their own kitchens before bringing it to the floor of the restaurant. This makes sense as many of our recipes may work better in theory so it is better to have a good handle on how to prepare it before showing it to your cooks! If you have yet to experiment with aloo gobi, read this article for a great recipe! You may even be inspired to bring this into your restaurant!


Read the full article here: Aloo Gobi with Chickpeas



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