When it comes to serving your patrons through a drive-thru option, you know that besides flavor and food quality, your customers are looking for speed and convenience. This is why it is important for them to be served in a timely and efficient manner. If you are looking for a great way to shave off minutes from your drive-thru service time, read this article today!


Read the full article here: QTimer: The Industry’s Gold Standard in Drive-Thru Time Management



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There are many ways that we can all help in leading to the sustenance of the food industry. One of the best ways to ensure that the food industry will continue to grow and explore new palettes and ways to serve food is by inspiring a younger generation to pick up the torch and carry it onto new horizons. However, if you own or operate a stand-alone restaurant you may feel like you have limited opportunities to socialize with young chefs. It is normal to think that the only way to reach out to young cooks is by looking for your nearest culinary school, but there are many incentives for them to come to you. If you are be looking for a great way to train up a new cook under the wing of your staff and restaurant, read this article today to learn about how to start apprenticeships in your kitchen. Not only will young cooks learn a lot about the lifestyle, but your business can receive benefits for opening your doors!


Read the full article here: What to Consider When Hiring an Apprentice



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Now that we are entering a new season, you can take the change and start adding fun upgrades to your menu. If it has been a while since the last time you have changed your menu, read this article to learn how a nationally-popular chain kicked their menu up a notch by adding a spice southwest salad! You will be inspired to add a few new options on to your menu to celebrate the spring!


Read the full article here: Chick-fil-A Heats Up Menu with Spicy Southwest Salad



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