One of the best ways to grow your business is by becoming familiar with what is popular among younger generations. Millennial customers have a very specific way that they look at food and it is important for restaurants to keep up with the demand to remain popular and relevant! Many millennials prefer customization to conformity and mash-ups of classic favorites! If you are looking for a way to tap into the market of younger people, read this article today!


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There are many things that go into building the ideal restaurant! It is important to have a catchy name and brand that customers remember. Having a menu that keeps the classics while challenging the norm is important to boost your reputation as a savvy food place. You also worked hard to acquire the amazing location that you have with lots of foot traffic, and your décor reflects the style of the times. There are so many factors that go into making your restaurant successful, and sadly there are a handful of potent factors that can tear down all the hard work you have put into it. While you may think that the number one take down for a restaurant lies in the food, the results beg to differ. This study shows that one major reason why a restaurant may waver in success is due to an uninspired wait staff. Although your patrons may come for the food, they stay for the human connection and this is why it is important to prioritize that when you hire or train new employees! If you are looking for more information on how your wait staff directly affects your success, read this article today!


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If children are the future, then the way children view and interact with food is important for the future of the restaurant industry. One way that children get exposed to foods early on is through their school lunches! If their palettes aren’t being tested and refined at a young age, then how will they be adventurous and dedicated patrons when they are older? If you are looking for a great way to learn about how schools are aiming to fix this, check out this article today!


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