It has been announced that the popular and delicious salad chain Tender Greens, has now snatched new executive from the behemoth, Starbucks Coffee. This switch holds a lot of business wisdom about how to hire and how to shape your career in the food industry.

Becoming influential at a powerful brand can allow you to analyze your options and work in an exciting position at a brand that is somewhat related. If you are a young business person in the food industry, read this article today for tips!


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Think about the everyday environment of a restaurant. While from the outside it may seem like a totally peaceful and tranquil environment, from the inside we know that at any given moment there are various amounts of controlled chaos emerging from every part of the house.

In the front of the house, the wait staff dance around one another while serving hot plates of food and alcohol to clients. In the back of the house, your team of chefs are whirling around pots filled with boiling fluids, knives used to butcher or filet, and open flames perfect for frying or grilling meats.

There are so many potentially dangerous things going around a kitchen at any given time and that is why even the tightest run ships can have kitchen fires. With the properly placed and frequently updated safety kit, these fires are easily put out, but if they are allowed to grow that can mean the end of your business as you know it!

If you own a restaurant, read this article today to learn the best ways to get your kitchen to be fire-prepared!


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If you were asked to picture a classic American meal, a few dishes may come to mind but there is nothing more classically American than a good burger with fries. This truth is what is behind the booming burger industry that spans every level from fast food to high-class restaurants.

If you are looking to start a burger restaurant but fear that the market may be oversaturated, think again. Check out this article and learn about an exciting new burger places that is redefining the genre in San Francisco!


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