There are many reasons why we see rises and pit falls in the general quarterly success of our restaurants. This last quarter showed lower profits than one prior, and that may have new restaurant owners panicking about the life span of their business.

Fear not, however, many restaurants will bounce back after this quarter as the seasons change. If you are looking for a great way to analyze the market, read this article today!


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Back in the day, it was a rarity to know a vegetarian. Everyone you knew ate meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and cheese without problem—unless they were allergic.

These days, however, a growing number of Americans are redefining what a “square” meal means and are gravitating away from meat eating for a number of reasons.

Whether it is to benefit themselves, the environment, or the animal kingdom, it is undeniable that there is a growing number of vegetarians and vegans that are eating delicious foods that support a plant-based diet.

This is why it is important that restaurants take extra steps to serve these patrons so that they feel supported and valued. Gone are the days where it is appropriate to have only one pasta dish as the token plate for vegetarians.

There is a lot that restaurants can do to be more welcoming to vegetarians and vegans! If you are looking for ways to update your restaurant for plant-based patrons, read this article today!


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There are many ways that your restaurant can be infested by various types of bugs. A common misconception is that your establishment has to be facing the outdoors to have a problem with insects, but with army ants that is not true.

They travel to where they can get access to food scraps and can instantly make your restaurant look dirty if they congregate in your place. If you are looking for a way to ensure that no ants turn your restaurant into a picnic zone, read this article today!


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