One of the ways to stay on top of the restaurant game is by learning about the new trends in food. Now that the season is changing, it is good to stay on top of customer demand as well as the type of foods that are more in season.

More patrons are asking for international flavors in their food and fresher produce as the summer approaches. If you would like to know which other trends are great for your restaurant read this article today!


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There are many reasons why it is good for you as a business to be socially aware. If you recall, last week there was quite an uproar over a death of a gorilla in a popular zoo.

After a young child was able to slip into its quarters, zookeepers made the quick and tough decision that the gorilla was too much of an unknown threat to the young child’s life, and they shot it.

This sparked much uproar for animal rights activists and many people debated the ethics of the decision to kill an animal out of fear of what it could do to a young child.

You may think that this incident has nothing to do with the restaurant industry, but you could be savvy and find a way to link this discussion into your business.

Many patrons are becoming more globally conscious and want to contribute to causes that make a difference in the world.

If you market your restaurant as a place where the food is sourced locally from farms that treat animals with dignity, you can ride this wave of animal rights. If you are looking to see how being humane can help your business, read this article today!


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It is possible to be both a meat-eater and a conscious citizen of animal rights and dignity. Many of us who eat meat don’t necessarily condone the mistreatment of animals or the wasting of an animal that has been killed.

This is why using as many parts of an animal to make food is not only admirable, but also adventurous. Check out his article to learn about an ingenious chef who learned how to make food and art out of unfavorable cuts of salmon.


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