Ever get the urge to head on over to B-dubbs for some delicious wings on your lunch break, but then come to the sinking realization that you’re simply not going to have enough time? Buffalo Wild Wings is trying to fix that with their new 15-minute guarantee in an attempt to draw in more of the 9-5er lunch crowd. The guarantee promises that if it takes longer than 15 minutes, it’s free. Worth the gamble?

Buffalo Wild Wings hopes 15-minute guarantee boosts lunch


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When you think of a college education you might not think of Burger King. Yet the Burger King McLamore Foundation provides scholarships each year to students through the Burger King Scholars Program. This year close to 2,800 students received awards ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 to pursue higher education in colleges, universities, and vocational/technical schools. Employees, Team Members, and high school graduates from the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico are eligible to apply.

Burger King Awards $3 Million in Scholarships


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