Perhaps the best news for restaurant owners and operators going into 2017 is this simple fact: protein prices will likely remain low for some time. “If you enjoyed this year, the foundation is in place for very favorable purchase prices for the next several years,” says Don Close, vice president of food and agribusiness research for animal protein at Rabobank, the agricultural-focused banking giant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wholesale beef prices are down 30 percent since May 2015, reports the USDA.
  • November was the largest beef production month this decade, which also will result in lower prices in 2017.
  • Beef production is projected to rise 5 percent in 2017, according to CattleFax, a source for the beef and agricultural Industries.

“Wholesale beef prices are down 30 percent since May 2015, reports the USDA.”


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Paid leave has been in the news lately. The United States businesses sector is looking at how to incorporate paid leave into their practices. In Washington DC they are looking to do something about this by making restaurants give paid parental leave to their employees. Read on for more on this.

DC poised to enforce paid leave


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Recent Presidential Elect nominates Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which owns franchises such as Carl’s Jr. and Hardees. Many in the Restaurant industry rave this as a success for their businesses as a much needed change in a stagnating government. Along with the controversy of his nomination, many think he will re-frame from many profit reduces methods previous administrations have tried.

Execs: Puzder Would be Great for Restaurants


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There are several challenges that have not only faced the hospitality industry, but will continue to affect the market in the upcoming months. Wage increases, Brexit and increases in rent pose economic challenges for businesses. There are changes in consumer demand and preferences which highlight the new trends and demands from consumers, like trending away from meat and exploring vegetarian options. Sites like Airbnb have come under scrutiny by questioning some of the hosts being exempt from safety regulations that have been put into place.

Key Takeaways:

  • The change received a mixed response from the industry, with chains including Starbucks, Bar Soba and Five Guys choosing to raise wages ahead of the April deadline.
  • Airbnb has always been quick to dismiss the claims, instead arguing that its platform gives consumers greater ‘choice’ in the accommodation market.
  • There was a rise in the number of restaurants offering vegetarian and vegan menu options this year with a third of diners admitting to reducing their meat intake.

“The change received a mixed response from the industry, with chains including Starbucks, Bar Soba and Five Guys choosing to raise wages ahead of the April deadline.”


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