Steven Anthony Ballmer is an American businessman who was the chief executive officer of Microsoft from January 2000 to February 2014, and is the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. As of August 10, 2016, his personal wealth is estimated at US $28.1 billion, ranking him the 22nd richest person in the world.

Key Takeaways:

  • He recently talked about the importance of staff development to ensure great dining experiences.
  • I started at 13 years old. I started washing dishes, which I think was illegal at the time, to be honest. They paid me $3 an hour cash, under the table.
  • We talk about the experience all the time. Sometimes it’s tangible and a guest will leave the restaurant and go, “God, that waiter was just amazing.

“That was a light bulb moment for me. It was the first time I saw dining as something more than just the mechanics of serving somebody a plate of food. I immediately fell in love.”


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Every project comes with a story—starting with the background of the individuals, the reason for the project, the public input, the context, both from the site and from the knowledge base of individuals and collective teams. But sometimes ‘storytelling’ in design involves finding a metaphor that can be used to help increase the understanding of the ideas behind the form.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you are opening a new restaurant, listen carefully to the people in the community and the story they are telling.
  • Reciting descriptions, no matter how well written, does not engage customers with your brand. Instead, train your servers to tell the stories behind the dishes.
  • The power of your brand reflects how well your customers can tell their networks what you do, and how well THEIR networks can tell THEIR networks.

“If you and your team are telling actual stories about your food, your concept, your founders, your mission in action… you are training your customers how to talk about you.”


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The Europen coffee market is expanding. Coffee sales in Europe grew by six precent in 2016 The leading coffee stores are McCafe, Starbucks, and Costa Coffee. There is a new “wave” of artisan coffees coming into the European market. This is true especially in Scandinavian countries and Russia, where this type of coffee is already popular.

UK one of Europe’s fastest-growing coffee markets, says report


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This may mean that nominal sales are sliding, but it also indicates another change: people are choosing smaller restaurants when they eat out. As we noted before, Bank of America credit card customer data also indicated that Americans are choosing smaller, local restaurants over the largest chain brands when they eat out. Right now the cost of food at home is declining, while food away from home is increasing. Industry insiders have cited this as a reason for the drop in sales. It may also indicate why more people would choose smaller, local restaurants.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wednesday’s retail sales report was disappointing, missing economists’ expectations and raising concerns over the outlook for the holiday shopping season.
  • The percentage of retail sales devoted to bars and restaurants compared with food and beverage stores was nearly the smallest gap in decades, according to Bespoke Investment Group.
  • “At the current level of 0.87, this month’s spread is the fifth narrowest on record, and the only four smaller monthly readings also occurred in 2016.”

““With Bars and Restaurants accounting for 11.97% of total sales and Food and Beverage Stores accounting for 12.84%, the spread between the two is narrowing,” Bespoke wrote in a note following Wednesday’s report.”


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