Micromanagement is a problem in working environments that restricts employee autonomy and management effectiveness. Many managers do not understand how their actions are perceived by employees or how their actions effect the workers and company. Micromanagement leads to employee disenfranchisement which can also effect customer experience. To combat the urge to micromanage, leaders should observe but not linger. Managers should schedule times to check in without deferring from schedule and ask questions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Micromanagers are notorious for failing to understand why micromanagement is an issue.
  • The prevailing problem is that many micromanagers don’t even realize that their behavior counts as micromanaging.
  • The worst managers think that they already have all the answers, and that their job is to force their own vision of store operations onto their employees. In reality, the relationship should be almost entirely the opposite

“Micro-managers are notorious for failing to understand why micromanagement is an issue. The mindset is that managers are supposed to manage—ipso facto.”



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It’s not surprising that the combination of cold weather and stone cold determination to follow New Year’s resolutions sends some diners searching for meatless appetizers. In the wake of holiday meat feasts, many want a change of pace in the form of snacks and lighter bites sometimes lower in calories or fat; other times higher in fiber than their protein counterparts.

8 Ways to add gusto to meatless appetizers


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Our society is not the healthiest, believe it, or not. There is research out there that shows that less than half of Americans feel that they eat right. Americans are not largely trusting of food brands. There is a lot of interest in healthy food, but for some reason most people are not satisfied with their diet. There are so many ways to be unhealthy and it’s hard to avoid the addiction.

Research: Less than Half of Americans Think They Eat Right


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As companies are becoming more greedy about paying their employees a fair wage, the government has heard quite a bit of excuses in their time. To name a few companies have said their accounts do not speak the same language, as well as giving the employee a three month period of time to prove themselves first.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excuses discovered by HMRC included businesses that would only pay staff once they’d “proved themselves after three months”, one said they would only pay staff for the time they were actually serving customers, and another blamed their accountant, as they “speak a different language”.
  • Business minister Margot James called on businesses to make their staff aware of what they should be paid, and said there was “no excuse for not paying staff properly”.
  • The news comes as the new awareness campaign seeks to encourage workers to make sure they are receiving at least the statutory minimum, months after the National Minimum and Living Wages increased on 1 April.

“While some employers state that they aim to pay above the minimum wage to all staff, and some – such as Harry Cragoe at The Gallivant restaurant ‒ have said they will even pay the same rate to everyone regardless of age, other employers have been criticised for allegedly failing to pay enough.”



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