New York City is going to give restaurants more time before officially rolling out a new menu labeling set of rules mandated by the FDA. The FDA is making a new system to be followed for labeling food items on menus at restaurants. These new rules include listing many nutritional facts such as: calories, total fat, trans fat, fiber, sodium, sugars, protein, cholesterol, total carbohydrates, and calories from fat. Restaurants and retail chains alike will be made to use this new menu labeling system.

Read more: NYC Won’t Preemptively Enforce Menu-Labeling Rules


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Too often considered a quick meal or an unhealthy snack, fried chicken has a bad reputation among the culinary elite. Barney Wolf indicates in his masterfully written piece that all of this may be changing as fried chicken is making a come back so to speak. Chefs are elevating the ingredient to include it in fine dishes across the nation. No longer is it a greasy staple, but a fine dining option for those who want a touch of comfort.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fried chicken seems to be making a comeback among people everywhere. One writer wants to know why it is cool again to eat.
  • For starters, fried chicken is very popular among all groups monitored. That trend tends to grow in numbers each year that people eat chicken.
  • Many new chains have offered their take on the fried chicken dish. That will compete with old model restaurants still serving fried chicken meals.

“Chicken is seeing extraordinary growth in U.S. quick-service and fast-casual restaurants.”

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