Every good restaurant needs a good first aid kit that can be used for staff and patrons alike.

Medshop Australia has created an infographic that gives a great overview of the kind of stuff that should go into one, including bandages, adhesive tape, compresses, antiseptic, gloves, burn treatment, and OTC medications.

Make sure to keep it somewhere easily accessible but out of reach of children!

Read the full article here: The Modern First Aid Box for Every Restaurant


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Serving customers from other countries is a truly cultural experience, as not all food enthusiasts adhere to the same set of table rules.

In America if a customer belches and make a big mess at the table, you’ll likely give them a dirty look (and expect a big tip), but in China that’s just a compliment to the chef. Passing food with your left hand in India is disgusting – that’s your bathroom hand! A Mexican patron using a knife and fork is considered arrogant, but in Brazil and Chile it’s a requirement (and in France both must be used at the same time).

I wonder what the etiquette is on food fights?

Read the full article here: How restaurant dining differs in 10 countries


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