Trying to please everyone with a large menu may have the opposite effect.

Large menus can cause a variety of problems for everyone from the consumer to the cook, and eventually for the business owner. Having a broad menu may mean inevitable failure.

There’s a reason the most successful restaurants have smaller, specialized menus. The idea of “less is more” applies to most business models. When you focus on a smaller menu, you can perfect the quality, and that’s what’s going to keep the customers coming.

Read the full article here: Less is More on Restaurant Menus


With President Obama’s recent executive order on immigration policy, approximately 5 million illegal immigrants are protected from deportation.

The illegal immigrants allowed to stay must have been in the country more than 5 years, pay taxes, and pass a criminal background check.

The restaurant industry will be impacted by immigration reform as it employs 1.4 million “foreign-borns,” both legal and illegal. It is estimated that 20% of cooks and 28% of dishwashers are illegal immigrants.

Restaurant organizations are still concerned that Obama’s plan may have a negative impact on lasting reform, though the president acknowledges a permanent legislative solution needs to happen.

Read the full article here: Restaurant organizations apprehensive about Obama’s executive action on immigration


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