Americans are pretty obsessed with coffee, but the caffeine craze is becoming so much more than just getting a fix with a morning cup of joe. These days, coffee is increasingly making its way into cocktails and other beverage concoctions for a different kind of buzz. This post from Buzztime has some ideas and tips for incorporating caffeine into your own bar program.

Read the full article here: The Coffee Cocktail: How to Incorporate Caffeine Into Your Drink List


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A lot of restauranteurs are nervous about the shift to EMV that will take place on October 1. Regardless about how you feel about this change, it’s important to have plenty of information at your disposal so you can understand how the shift will affect not only your liability in the event of fraud, but also how you can help to keep your guests secure and how the transition will affect your restaurant’s operations on a larger scale. This post from QSR Web looks at how some of these EMV-related changes will affect things like transaction time and flow, and how managers and operators can train their employees to be prepared and help their customers through it.

For example, each transaction will take longer with EMV chip cards than with the usual magnetic strip cards that are processed with a quick swipe. Training employees on how to handle the longer transaction times, as well as how to instruct customers on what to do with their chip cards and payment terminal devices, will help keep lines moving. Additionally, accepting mobile payments can help to speed up transactional processes as well, as customers are still getting used to the new EMV chip cards. For more tips on how to handle the EMV transition with ease, continue reading.

Read the full article here: How Restauranteurs Can Take the Fear Out of EMV


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If you’re looking to expand your restaurant’s repertoire, developing a catering sales business may be the way to go. But in order for your new venture to be successful, you’ll have to work on developing a sales-minded culture within your restaurant and existing team. This post from Fast Casual explains how to do just that in order to make your catering operation thrive.

Read the full article here: 6 Ways to Build a Catering Sales Culture Inside Your Restaurant


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