Are you a restaurant owner who just can’t seem to find the right combination of cooking equipment to fulfill the unique demands that your business require throughout the day? A combi oven could be what you are searching for. With determination and attention to detail, this combi oven will be a great addition to your […]
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According to the National Restaurant Association’s forecast for the service industry, the number of teenagers in the restaurant business has dropped four percent from the years of 2007 to 2014. The natural thought that comes to mind when thinking of the demographic for restaurant workers is to think of teens but the times are changing […]
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Upcoming US Department of Labor employment standards, to many employers, are a cause of significant cause of concern. New standards related to overtime pay, to how salaried workers are compensated and even lawsuits and potential confrontations with customers are making employers extremely concerned and apprehensive. Due to the fact that there remains so many unknowns […]
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Turnover is expensive for businesses, but offering generous pay and benefits aren’t surefire ways to keep employees happy while encouraging them to stay with an employer. There are ways, however, that provide positive ROI without negatively affecting the bottom line, such as flexibility, frequent feedback, providing a sense of purpose, and more. Use these and […]
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On Wednesday, the National Restaurant Association says it was encouraged by the House Republican initiative aimed at common sense reforms to the American health system with patient-centered solutions and more choices while lowering costs and promoting innovation. The alliance will surely bring restaurants closer to providing the healthiest food possible. Key Takeaways: National Restaurant Association […]
In Industry Headlines’ article regarding the NRA, they speak on recent political events where house members who were republican are making and effort to reform health care and are initiating measures. They speak on recent house events where the republicans are taking measures to lower the cost as well as improve innovations in health care. […]
Bartending can be a fun and rewarding job as well as sometimes stressful and overwhelming. In attempt to add balance and insight to the conversation between employees and guests, there are some suggestions for bartenders. Some suggestion include, dont get drunk on the job, dont steal, and greet every guest in a timely manner, even […]
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According to the blog author, many American still seem unpersuasive towards healthy fats. When it comes to the public, 1 in 5 respondents mistakenly believed trans fats to be healthy. This leads to confusion for people regarding what fats should they eat. Restaurants are also trying to combat this confusion. By blending different cuisines and […]
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Efficiency is a vital part of keeping your kitchen clean and running like a well greased machine. We’ve all found ourselves fumbling around the kitchen looking for ways to store leftovers and even ingredients we need now! Well, there’s no need to stress with so many innovative options for food storage on the market ready […]
In Shelly Whitehead’s article relating to the popularization of smartphones and how to use it to your businesses’ advantage, she speaks about the current trend that travels recognize their smartphone as their most widely used tool during travel. She also speaks about a smartphone’s importance in a travelers search for a restaurant or other vacation […]