There has been a long-term debate about tipping in restaurants and why it is appropriate. The act of tipping may feel like a norm, but most of us who travel know that leaving extra money for the waiter is not a cultural norm in most other places.

So why do we tip in the United States? We know that waiters get paid less than other professions so it is nice to tip to compensate them for their work. We also know that receiving tips is an incentive for waiters to be courteous, prompt, and great at their jobs to encourage a higher percentage of gratuity.

However, many restaurants take the guess work out of tipping by either including the price of gratuity in the bill. This may seem like a great way to save the customer on math work, but some patrons may feel like it also takes away their power to be reflective about the service they received.

If you are looking for a great way to encourage great tipping without limiting your customer, check out this article today!


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It is in interesting time to be a business owner as we are in the middle of an election cycle. One of the ways that politic can really impact your future is by making laws and determinations that will affect the way you pay your employees, source your food, and run your electricity.

If you are looking to understand how Britain’s new exit plan has affected your European business, check out this article today!


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There are many ways that you can upgrade your restaurant to make it more modern for the digital age. Many companies have moved forward to using digital signage in order to streamline the process of ordering and reduce human error.

But is the investing in them really worth it? If you are looking for a comprehensive list of pros and cons for digital signage, check out this article today!


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There are many different ways that new food businesses can satisfy the needs of customers. Sometimes restaurants do this by bringing in a new flavor to a region and filling a gap in the palette of your patrons.

Some people own restaurants because they have always had a unique way of looking at food and creating dishes, and that has inspired them to base restaurants after their style. However, a third group of people create restaurants or services because they understand that there is a service that customers could want.

A few years ago, a couple of college students realized that there is one thing that unified their campus, late-nights. Whether you are studying, partying, or doing a little bit of both, the average bed time for a college student is usually well past midnight.

These certain students invented a late-night delivery service that put warm cookies into the hands of hungry and tired college kids, and their business is growing bigger than they even imagined. If you are looking for an inspirational story to motivate you to start the restaurant of your dreams, check out this article today!


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