Amidst the rising prices of lobster, chefs are creatively working to combat the effects of high demand. Lobster meals are now coming to the table with a little less lobster, and more of other special ingredients to make up for its shrinking portions. Restaurants have now begun to substitute Maine lobsters with spiny lobsters, although high demand is now raising their prices as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Increasing demand for lobster recently, has caused a shortage in supply, causing inflated wholesale prices to surge, for restauranteurs who desire to include this delicacy on their menus.
  • Getting creative with smaller portion size recipes, that include lobster in its ingredients, has become an important strategy for Chefs, and Restaurant owners trying to offer it to their patrons.
  • Whether getting creative with portion control, raising prices on menus accordingly, or sourcing different kinds of the delicious crustacean, Chefs everywhere are trying to give patrons the lobster they love.

“While production of Maine lobster has risen this year, so too has demand, resulting in higher prices.”


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It is common for wait staff at restaurants to encounter troublesome customers. This author, an experienced waiter from Florida, is used to most of the troubles faced when working with the public food sector. But this time, despite their best efforts, they cannot seem to please the customer. Even a touch of humor does nothing to lighten up this sour patron.

Customer Demands Free Food


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Social media gives businesses a wonderful opportunity to reach new customers. This article focuses on Facebook and gives tips and tricks to restaurant owners on how to improve their social media marketing plan to really get the most for their money. It details what works and what doesn’t in this ever evolving world of social media.

Key Takeaways:

  • Once you’ve established your meaning and position in a crowded market, the ability communicate becomes MUCH easier.
  • Reaching current and future customers through Facebook can happen through two separate, yet connected routes – creating a business page, and Facebook advertising.
  • Restaurant marketing through Facebook isn’t anything like traditional media. It’s a conduit for conversation, interaction, and caring for your customers.

“Once you’ve established your meaning and position in a crowded market, the ability communicate becomes MUCH easier. You not only know what you represent, but also the type of customer that would most likely visit your restaurant.”


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It’s easy to come up with an idea for a great new menu item. It’s much harder to figure out how you’re going to serve that menu item at scale. How will you handle rushes and lulls? How will you make sure to be supplied with key ingredients? It’s important to keep in mind the end goal, and how you’re going to serve large quantities, when coming up with a new food item.

Key Takeaways:

  • With wage increases and minimum wage pressure threatening profits, chefs and operators alike are pressured to trim staff and avoid increased labor expenditures.
  • Modern kitchen equipment such as heated holding cabinets can provide solutions to extending the ability to serve quality product as well as helping to expedite products that are needed urgently.
  • Utilizing today’s modern combi ovens function as precise low-temperature ovens capable of cooking foods over many hours, even days, to achieve exceptional tenderness and moisture retention.

“As a chef or operator, put yourself in your customers’ shoes. It is the best– maybe only– way to understand the optimal way to build a process that delivers the best quality food to that valued end consumer.”


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