Published March 31, 2015

Increase customer loyalty with birthday emails

Brand loyalty is an important thing to cultivate – it’s one of the big ideas that keeps customers coming through your front door. It seems really simple, but sending out an email to your digitally subscribed customers on their birthday is a great way to connect with them on a personal level. Coupons and discounts […]

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What Grassroots Marketing Can Do For Your Restaurant

Many food service business are focusing on increasing their reach on the web through social media marketing efforts, but it’s just as important to target local customers and establish yourself as a feature of the community if you want to maintain a healthy bottom line.

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The Mysterious $100 Tipper

Sometimes a big tip makes the whole work day worthwhile, no matter how difficult it might have been. If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to receive a tip like the one Mattura got from a mysterious tattooed man, would you do what she did? The party left before Mattura came back to pick up payment […]

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