Sometimes it can get a little scary thinking about changing up your menu. Menus take a lot of time to craft and it can be a challenge to reconceive a menu that reflects the new direction of your restaurant.

Even larger chains face this challenge when they are trying to create a new items to add to a history of long menus. Burger King has now reinvented its menu again with a creation of Mac’ n Cheetos. If you are looking for inspiration on how to get creative with food, check out this article today.


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Take a moment to think about how much the restaurant industry has changed in the past few generations. In your grandparent’s generation, we saw the slow rise in chains of restaurants, but they weren’t a big trend.

Many people went to local places where their neighbors owned the places and the foods were reflective of local cuisines. Then in your parent’s generation, there was a steady rise in fast food and other restaurant chains, and an influx of cultural foods that came into importance.

Whether it was Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, or Mexican foods, they became widely accessible for people as the taste for them grew in response. Then we move on to our generation, which will always be known by the technological advances that we made.

Restaurants are responding to this as large chains of a variety of cuisines are able to amass large amounts of data due to technologically-advanced methods of ordering. If you are a restaurant owner and are interested in learning how data can help your restaurant, read this article today!


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We all know what it’s like to cater to that customer. They come in ten minutes before closing with a huge number of patrons and a complicated order. Then they try to bargain their way into free food and probably won’t leave an accurate tip to reflect your service.

While they may make you want to scream, you can commiserate with this article by a waiter who has dealt with similar challenges. If you are looking for a great way to laugh at this shared experience, check out this article today!


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