It is often said that you can judge a place by its burger. Regardless of the level of prestige for most American-cuisine restaurants, it is usually a staple menu item as it represents an iconic American food.

A great juicy burger has many standard characteristics: a perfectly cooked patty of meat that is juicy and flavorful, cheese that is gooey and fresh, crisp lettuce, a wedge of tomato, tangy onions, and condiments to flavor.

Or, at least, that was the traditional way we viewed the classic dish. Now, restaurants are competing to find the most ingenious ways to redesign our beloved burgers, and the opportunities for creation are limitless.

Some places offer burgers made with exotic meats, such as ostrich, bison, or seared ahi tuna. Other places are experimenting with the bun and allow you to get burgers wrapped in lettuce. And still some other places get rich with regional topping selections, like Californian avocados, Cajun onion rings, or even a hint of new England seafood.

There are many ways in which you can craft a burger, the most important thing is that your restaurant finds a way to serve both a classic and fresh take on the meal. If you are looking for burger building inspiration, check out this article today!


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It is undeniable that social media is the way to go with directly reaching to customers. While traditionally we all spent a bulk of our money on commercials and flyers, now social media is the best way to get the attention of a younger generation.

This is why it is imperative to your business that you learn the best strategies to grow your base and get your messages out there. If you are looking for a great way to connect with customers via social media, check out this article today!


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There are many reasons why you may want to climb your way up the ladder in the restaurant industry.

Being on the top of your field means that you can have a lot of creative influence as well as the power to direct the brand in new and exciting ways.

However, studies are showing that Restaurant CEO’s are also making more money, which is another added incentive! If you are looking for a great reason to climb the restaurant ladder, check out this article!


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One of the reasons why the restaurant business is so hard is because it combines a unique level of various challenges.

When you were first opening your place you had made many decisions about the type of restaurant you would have. You chose chefs to help you realize the vision of the cultural fusion and who were at the top of their field.

You prepared a location that was easily accessible but also had a great surrounding so that your patrons would be intrigued to visit.

You also had to choose a friendly set of waiters, hosts, and front of staff team to make sure to greet your customers with a cheerful energy.

Now that you have the mechanics figured out, you had to decide where you will source your food and what kind of cuisine you would provide.

All of these decisions make starting a restaurant difficult and maintaining a restaurant can be hard given all of the decisions you must make to keep it fresh and sustainable.

New studies are showing that BPA may be more of a problem than you thought with canned and bottled goods. If you are looking for an update on how to serve the healthiest food to your patrons, read this article today!


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When most people think of Hispanic foods, they usually think about Tex-Mex. However, there is a whole world of South American cuisine that is ripe for the picking.

Thankfully there are many ways that you can introduce your customers to new cultures by opening ethnic food restaurants into unlikely spaces.

If you are looking for inspiration to expand your reach, read this article to learn about a Peruvian restaurant opening in Soho!


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