People should always feel comfortable when eating or drinking something. If they do not, then do not even attempt to consume anything of that nature. People want to put healthy things inside of their bodies so that they can flourish and remain healthy. Too many people rely on other people to tell them what is healthy and what is not healthy. Do due diligence and be smart in what is indulged and people will be fine.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to a 2017 BBC investigation conducted in the U.K., over half of iced beverages served at fast-food establishments are contaminated with fecal matter, specifically coliform bacteria.
  • Evidently, the source of the fecal matter problem is dirty ice that is dispensed through ice machines used at fast-food restaurants in the U.K.
  • If the ice machines are not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli can flourish and spread to the ice consumed by guests.

“Maintaining an ice machine can become slightly more complex in locations where multiple departments share a machine. In these locations, it’s very important to designate which department is responsible for the cleanliness of that machine and ensure that a routine schedule is followed.”

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