Published August 29, 2017

8 Questions with Starbird CEO Aaron Noveshen

Star Bird or the culinary edge has made fried chicken the center of their image. They use only hundred percent fresh chicken and fresh ingredients when making their chicken. Star Bird believes that not only can fast food or fried food such as fried chicken can be healthy but that the whole experience can be […]

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5 Reasons Why Apprentices Are Good for Business

Apprentices are often looked down on simply because they are new. However, embracing apprentices, especially in the food service industry is not only good for beginning chefs, it can be great for the restaurant overall as well. The National Restaurants Association has launched an apprenticeship program where they worked closely with experts in the industry […]

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Published August 28, 2017

3 Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste

One of the biggest sustainability issues in recent years is the increasing level of food waste by restaurants. Not only is this costly in regards to the use of the food itself, but it is increasingly extra costs being placed on the business as well. However, despite the challenges that come with dealing with food […]

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Grubhub to Power Food Delivery for Groupon in More Than 1,100 Cities

Grubhub is a popular resource when it comes to food delivery. They are set to work with Groupon in more than a thousand American cities. People are waiting for the collaboration to make headlines with delicious meals along the way. Food delivery is part of the expectation that people have for themselves. That adds an […]

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Brewers Association Mid-Year Results Show Stable Growth for Craft Segment

The Brewers Association’s mid year report has shown that small craft breweries have had a slow yet steady growth in the past six months. It has become a highly competitive market and many breweries have created new innovations to keep up with it. Craft breweries are not only interesting to visit and enjoy good beer, […]

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Published August 25, 2017

People eating out as much as last year despite fall in consumer confidence

According to a poll in the UK, consumer confidence had dropped significantly since last year. But the sales data from the Coffer Peach Business Tracker indicates that they are still eating out. Sales reflected a slight increase in growth in hospitality this year, compared to 2016. Lack of consumer confidence normally finds people saving money […]

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Restaurant Trends – Growing And Emerging Concepts – Change and Activity August 15, 2017

Some resturant concepts have had amazing growth in the past year and this includes a list of places that have achieved at least 5% growth with some having as much as a 27% growth. Some very well known eateries are included in this article, such as PF Changs China Bistro which has increased from 281 […]

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OpenTable Expands International Reach with Launch in Amsterdam

OpenTable, a subsidiary of Priceline, has expanded into Amsterdam. Now travelers and locals alike can make review and make a choice to eat at one of hundreds of restaurants. There is an app available that gives restaurant reviews, menus, prices and even pictures of the dishes that they offer. There is something to meet every […]

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10 ways to combat food cost inflation

As the impending reality of Brexit looms over the United Kingdom, analysts predict that food prices will soon skyrocket as food imports become subject to new tariffs. As it stands, Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union is likely still at least one and a half years away from completion. Still, it is never too early […]

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Published August 24, 2017

What’s Driving the Meal-Kit Movement

At home delivery is becoming a stronger and stronger emerging market. Many people are beginning to find it a cheaper solution than going to restaurants for travel. Many of the different delivery brands offer customization that keeps it always feeling new or fresh. From fast food to vegan and paleo diets every type of food […]

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