If you want to attract families to your restaurant, you can’t just make your menu appealing to adults; you also need to have some kid-friendly options on there to help sway the younger ones. This post from QSR Magazine suggests that you just may make that happen with frozen frappes, a fun and indulgent option that kids (okay, and some adults) will love.

Read the full article here: Capture Family Diners With Frozen Frappes for Kids


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These days, diners aren’t content with just any old chicken wing flavor. Many national chains that feature these delicious pieces of poultry are experimenting with adventurous flavors, like cinnamon maple, sriracha, or Asian ginger. This post from Fast Casual has the whole scoop on this growing trend, and how they’re coming up with the funky flavors.

Read the full article here: Now Trending: Why Unique Chicken Wing Flavors Are Hot


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Veganism and vegetarianism have taken off in recent years, whether their followers are devout or just occasional. The restaurant industry has seen a trend towards healthier options that lean towards the vegan/vegetarian route, even if it means just an occasional vegetarian dish or two, or a menu focused towards seasonal produce, at a renowned restaurant. This post from Restaurant Hospitality references Equinox in Washington D.C. as a prime example of the potential of offering high-quality (and delicious!) vegan or vegetarian menu options. Todd Gray and his wife, the owners of Equinox, saw a 250% increase in popularity in their vegan dishes at a previous restaurant they owned, and kept the trend going with a vegan tasting menu and vegan Sunday brunch at Equinox. These offerings not only appease fervent followers of health food movements like veganism and vegetarianism, but they also expose other diners to more healthy, fresh and natural options than they might otherwise choose while dining out. While vegetarianism, or its more extreme cousin, veganism, aren’t the perfect lifestyle choices for everyone, the elements of each movement have environmental and ethical components, so its no wonder why many well-known restaurants nationwide are experimenting with their offerings and providing vegan-friendly versions of many of their most beloved dishes.

Read the full article here: Build a Better: Vegetarian-Friendly Menu Choice


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