Regardless of how you feel about social media, you have to take notice to the fact that it is taking over the way we connect with each other and the way businesses are connecting with their customers. Thankfully, many social platforms encourage this and strive for ways to incentivize restaurants into using their sites for outreach! If you are looking for a great way to boost your marketing, read this article today to see how Facebook can help!


Read the full article here: Facebook Marketing Ideas for Restaurants



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Now that we are in the middle of the reality TV wave, it is no surprise that there isn’t a corner of life that has yet to be discovered by cameras. It seems like every business has some sort of representation in the reality TV sphere, and those shows may actually be giving a negative impression of the job. For example, there are shows about young dancers and the drama in their competition and classes certainly isn’t palatable for viewers who may be considering putting their child into dance. There is also a huge showing of cooking related shows that portray chefs shaking in their confidence as they create dishes for someone who will start yelling and cursing at them in heartbeat. Is this type of television harmful to the restaurant industry as this poor representation can be pushing young cooks away? If you are curious about how the television cooking phenomenon has contributed to the smaller number of chefs, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Are TV Cooking Shows Contributing to the Chef Shortage?



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Like with any relationship, restaurants want their relationship with their customers to focus on long-term loyalty and patronage. This is why we see the growing trend of restaurants creating apps, cards, and point systems to reward customers who keep returning. Even Pancheros is launching a benefit system where patrons earn points on every burrito they buy. If you are looking for inspiration for your food business, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Pancheros Launches Burritos with Benefits



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