There is so much you learn about life from working in the service industry. Besides making friends with frequent customers and learning new recipes from the chef, there are tons of skills that waiting tables will teach you that will come in handy when you become a parent! If you are a waiter and want to know how waiting teaches you to become a stellar parent, read this article today!


Read the full article here: How Waiting Tables Prepares You for Your Baby’s First Month



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There are many reasons why new customers come to your place on a daily basis. If you have spent a significant time on perfecting your menu, or releasing great marketing about your space, then you have likely attracted a new crop of customers who want to see if it is worth the hype. Also, if you focus on hiring personable wait staff, there is a high chance that your customers will return because they remember the personal attention and kindness they were shown while being served amazing food. Word of mouth is a powerful tool that can attract new people to your place as well, as people are much more apt to trust something that they are told by their peers! You are doing a great job of getting new customers, but how skilled are you in retaining the clientele that you attract? If you are concerned with raising your level of repeat customers, read this article today to learn why some restaurants struggle with attracting return customers to their establishment!


Read the full article here: 7 Reasons Customers Are Not Returning to Your Restaurant



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One of the best ways to inspire new marketing strategies is to base your menu and drinks off the celebration of the day. As the sun starts to melt the snow and patrons gather at your restaurant for drinks, you should play into the season as National Margarita Day comes upon us! If you are looking for a great way to celebrate with your restaurant, read this article to learn how Snuffer’s plans to celebrate!


Read the full article here: Raise a Glass to National Margarita Day at Snuffer’s



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