Keep an eye out for the first recyclable coffee cup! Starbucks is just one of many companies interested in trying out the new Frugalpac Cup. Designed by a UK packaging company named Interak, this cup is made of recycled paperboard so it would be able to go in the same recycling bin as your paper waste! Trials are soon to be underway for this innovative product, hopefully soon all coffee shops will use these!

Intertek Helps Bring Recyclable Coffee Cup to Market


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Restaurant industry sales expected to reach $783 billion in 2016, representing the seventh consecutive year of growth in restaurant sales, the restaurant industry is the nation’s second-largest private sector employer, with 80% of restaurant owners having started their industry careers in entry-level positions. ACF and NRA members have multiple opportunities to connect and network throughout 2017. The NRA Show, the industry’s largest trade show, is May 20-23. ACF is hosting two Signature Series events in 2017.

National Restaurant Association Announces New Partnership with the American Culinary Federation


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