This is a guide to help executives who are looking to hire an administrative assistant. The role is comiplex and important, so great care must be taken to select the best candidate. An administrative assistant should be able to multi-task and handle various sources of stress. An ideal candidate is also someone with a passion for the organization and someone you can count on. Conversely, poor people skills, too much socializing and inability to handle stress are all warning signs.

Key Takeaways:

  • A good administrative assistant should be able to multitask and to organize and prioritize assignments.
  • You want assistants who can be gracious and sociable, who are good observers, but not over-sharers.
  • A great administrative assistant will have a barrage of problems and a host of people to deal with daily and must be able to be cool under pressure.

“When it comes to staffing, no one person can make or break your day more than the administrative assistant.”

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Businesses are always in search of reaching the best consumer for their product and service. As the world is getting smaller and smaller thanks to computers, easier travel, and more businesses are wondering the impact on the US economy from the foreign born consumer. Experts are concerned that the new Trump economy will have a negative impact because the foreign consumers are not going to be coming to the US as readily as they have under past administrations. This will really impact the restaurant business.

Read more: How foreign-born consumers impact the U.S. economy


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Fast food giant Burger King is trying to manipulate voice-activated devices within consumer homes as a marketing trick. They created a commercial that attempts to trigger commands within Google Home devices. In the commercial an actor states “OK Google, what is the Whopper burger?” The hope is that your Google Home device will search the internet for the wikipedia entry on whoppers, then read it to you. People are upset, calling this tactic invasive and annoying.

Read more: Burger King Wants to Hack Your Google Home Device


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A website covering the hospitality industry has a feature about sugar art. Sugar art consists of decorative centerpieces made entirely of sugar. The feature included an interview with a pastry chef who was a judge in a 2017 sugar art competition. The chef made the statement that one has to know sugar art to be a true pastry chef. He said that sugar and/or chocolate artwork is needed at buffets or large events in order to show off a theme.

Key Takeaways:

  • Martin Chiffers, pastry chef and formerly president of the International Pastry Team Uk, recently judged the UK Sugar Championships.
  • Strong contenders in the competition showed shiny, reflective sugar, with good color and style.
  • Creating sugar and chocolate sculptures is less about creating edible items than it is about making art.

“I don’t think you can call yourself a pastry chef if you can’t do at least some sugar and some chocolate work.”

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