Restaurants and food stands in archaeology sites like Pompeii have shown that public shared dining experiences may have always been part of human culture. Up until recently they haven’t changed much either. But the advent of the information age has helped restaurants to evolve in surprising ways. Some restaurant owners and chefs can track minute by minute food costs as well as changes in expected client rushes, with real time ingredient cost and commuter tracking software. Others, like UberEats, are bringing a new dining experience to social norms. Mixing computers and food might be creating changes that the human eating experience has never seen before.

Key Takeaways:

  • When bad weather is a factor for getting people in your restaurant its possible to give incentives to come in
  • Ordering online and being able to market specific things on certain days will help boost the bottom line
  • Restaurants have more competition then any other business, its important to stat with the times

““There are some restaurants that test out new dishes on UberEATS because they have access to actionable data and feedback with tools like UberEATS Restaurant Manager,””

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A lot of people believe that tipping is not necessary but a courtesy that you can give for a good service if you want to. The truth is most servers rely on tipping as the majority of their salary. The provided infographic explains why tipping is important and how much you should tip. It is a must read fir anyone that is confused about how to leave a tip or to share with friends who don’t believe in tipping.

Read more: Tipping infographic – Guest post


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In the past couple of years the restaurant business has been pushing technology and the use of robots more and more. While it may seem silly to have a robot delivering your food in a restaurant that is where technology is going and there are already some places doing just that. In Singapore a restaurant has drones serving the guests food because that restaurant has a shortage of staff. In London a restaurant uses drones as well to deliver sushi and drinks because they say it can deliver food faster than the average server. In China they have out done them by having a robot cook and serve the food that the costumers order.

Read more: Robots in restaurants


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Amazon just recently purchased Whole foods, which is a health food chain throughout the country. Amazon is going to be meal kits with Whole Foods which will be a bit expensive but they have all of the high quality ingredients people want for a meal. Amazon already offers meal kits but Whole Foods has a following behind them. They are known for their high quality food so having them partner together you are sure to get a fast and high quality kit.

Key Takeaways:

  • Industry experts point to home delivery meal kits as viable option for Amazon and Wholefoods Merger.
  • Home meal kit delivery could potentially increase pressure on the food service industry to venture into delivery services or increase convenience at restaurants.
  • Some restaurant owners do not feel threatened due to the home meal kit delivery service being geared toward dinner, while many dine-in restaurants focus on lunch.

“A robust play at meal kits could certainly threaten fine dining restaurants, casual dining chains and supermarkets”

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