The demand for fresh produce in the U.S. is projected to continue growing with consumers searching for new and novel flavors. There are six trends which are the most important in the next few years. Online grocery shopping is becoming more common because of the convenience of being able to shop from your home. Meal-kit deliveries are also becoming all the rage since it allows consumers to receive fresh produce delivered to their door. Community supported agriculture programs (C.S.A.s) help connect local farmers to consumers allowing consumers to directly support local growers. The popularization of special diets such as paleo diets where raw food consumption is emphasized is creating a greater demand for fresh produce. Spicy foods have been enjoying a rise in popularity in the US which has led to the increased levels of chili pepper consumption. The flexitarian movement as well is contributing to increased fresh produce consumption. Flexitarians consume some meat but make fruits and vegetables a larger part of their diet.

Read more: Six trends fueling fresh fruit and vegetable sales


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Mediterranean cuisine is always a popular draw for people at an event. A surprisingly diverse array of dishes will be made available for those who want to eat. Modern Mediterranean will feature a few dishes that may become staple features as well. That includes wraps that are popular among people who choose culinary delights. Get to know the ingredients that go in to these popular dishes. That could inspire new cooks to try their hand.

Key Takeaways:

  • Two dozen countries border the Mediterranean Sea, each with their own delightful recipes, foods and spices.
  • Most Mediterranean dishes combine wheat, olives and grapes and are considered heart healthy.
  • Countries such as Israeli, Morocco and Turkey offer cuisine that is heart healthy and pleasant too discerning palates.

“The roughly two-dozen nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea have long enjoyed an embarrassment of culinary riches, thanks in part to the region’s prominent role in the spice trade. And while many of their cuisines have found favor in Western society, many more have not—yet.”

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