Published July 2, 2018

How to Get Ahead of Fair Workweek Regulations

Workweek regulations are becoming hard for restaurants, bars, and vendors who have a hard time predicting business in upcoming months. Fortunately, there are many ways to go around these standards. You need to ensure that you create a schedule that is somewhat flexible, so that if someone needs to call out or switch a shift, this is still a possibility without breaking any rules or regulations. As long as you become knowledgeable about the system, you will be able to work it in your favor.

Key Takeaways:

  • These laws are especially hard for food industry workers due to them not being able to readily predict their future demand levels.
  • If a company has undergone a wage increase, there will most likely be workweek regulations following.
  • These laws were initially put into place for part-time workers to know their work hours ahead of time.

“Fair workweek regulations, also known as predictive scheduling laws, are cropping up across major cities.”

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