When this server waited on an attourney in The Doo-Dah Diner of Wichita, Kansas, he had no idea his life would change for the better with a generous tip that went far beyond the table.

Bryan Maixner suffered from extensive dental issues and he was working hard to raise money for the health insurance needed to get them fixed. When his customer Fred Boettcher saw his plight, he offered to help and paid for Bryan’s dental care.

There are some truly generous people in this world.

Read the full article here: Generous Tipper Leaves Kansas Waiter Smiling With a New Set of Teeth


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A new order confirmation system for drive-thrus has recently been released from Techknow, which is reported to be only the beginning of a newly expanded line of products. The system has many advanced features, such as the ability to analyze the effectiveness of promotions with TEMS enterprise management software.

For more, read the full article here: Techknow Inc. Unveils New 15″ Order Confirmation System


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If your establishment produces a lot of salsa (I’m looking at you, Mexican restaurants) and you don’t have a fast way to dice your tomatoes, you could be wasting precious time – and that means making less money. Check out this video featuring the Robot Coupe – it dices veggies for salsa perfectly!



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According to new figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost 60,000 jobs were added in food service (eating and drinking places) in February 2015, and the trend is likely to continue!

Even though the weather has been less than coopoerative in northern states, the jobs growth has been immense. Current statistics show the addition of over 150,000 jobs over the last three months, which could be the strongest expansion ever recorded.

Read the full article here: Foodservice jobs to increase 3.4% in 2015, outpacing total US job growth, NRA says


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Too many articles highlight the rough sides of the service industry, but once in a while a story comes along that restores your faith in humanity. Recently in Tennessee a waitress received an unusually large tip accompanied by a touching note, which she promptly shared online.

The man she waited on has a tradition where he celebrates his late brother’s birthday by going to a restaurant, eating his brother’s favorite meal, and tipping the server the age his brother would have been.

I think I have something in my eye…

Read the full article here: Man Commemorates Brother Who Passed Away by Leaving Amazing Tips


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