These days, it seems that ordering a dessert while dining out at a restaurant is often more of an afterthought, or a thought that doesn’t occur to diners at all. But as Nation’s Restaurant News, some chefs are attempting to bring back the spectacle that used to come with desserts like Bananas Foster, and showcases some of their inventive offerings.

Read the full article here: Chefs Bring Glamour Back to Dessert


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There are few things that go better with a nice meal than a nice glass of wine. When paired correctly, the various elements in the wine can enhance each bite of food, elevating the entire dining experience to a completely new level. While it can be difficult to achieve the right pairing with every dish, and often even harder to develop a wine menu for an entire restaurant’s offerings, it can help to create a superior dining experience for your customers and can even attract more upscale patrons. This post from Buzztime provides some tips for curating and creating your own wine menu, based on your restaurant’s overall atmosphere, theme and signature menu items. Before you find a wine purveyor or supplier, it can help to have a conversation with your head chef and/or sommelier to discuss what regions and varietals would make the most sense to include on your list, and which would pair best with some of your more popular menu items. It’s also important to have a variety of varietals included on a wine list; rather than five different chardonnays, include a few different white options so people can experiment with different varietals. Whatever you decide to include, have fun with your selections and you’ll see results.

Read the full article here: How to Create a Winning Wine List


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Seasonal menus are often more enticing to customers than menus that don’t change throughout the year, and they give diners a reason to keep coming back throughout the seasons. In order to keep you menu offerings current, showcase some of fall’s best fruits, like apples and pears, shown here in Full-Service Restaurants.

Read the full article here: Fruits of Fall


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