When it comes to alcohol, there are many ways in which the world of libations can vary depending on the source. In the world of beer there are the favorite staples of the larger brewers, but when it comes to the smaller and pricier batches, many of us are familiar with the “craft” variety. But are you aware of what is defined as “craft” beer and what isn’t? If you own a bar or restaurant and are looking for a better way to define your beers for your menu, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Confusion Surround “Craft” Term When Applied to Drinks, Report Finds



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There are many ways that your restaurant can work with the world around you. This could mean responding to the latest trends in eating, whether that means adding more vegetarian options or cooking with a trendy ingredient like sun-dried tomatoes or kale. The restaurants that are the most in touch with the tastes and needs of the world around them are the ones that are sure to generate a higher level of success. One way your restaurant can stay connected while being eco-friendly is by letting your menu reflect the changing crops around you. This means responding to the best produce that is in season and finding ways to showcase that on your menu! Now that we are heading towards the spring, it is high time to find a great way to add asparagus to your menu! Not only is it delicious, but your patrons will appreciate the health benefits of the juicy veggie! If you are a restaurant owner and are looking for some tips on how to showcase asparagus, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Asparagus Recipes to Welcome Spring



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When it comes to hospitality, it seems that more people are looking for a way to connect with each other than with already-established companies. This is evident in how people are responding to the growing shared-market economy where average people offer their homes or rides to strangers. If you are in the hospitality industry and would like to know how these companies are adapting to remain successful, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Airbnb is Launching a New Feature to Let Neighbors File Complaints



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