There are a handful of family-style restaurant chains that many Americans enjoy eating at! These chains offer wide varieties of foods, comfortable seating, and moderate pricing which is perfect for a casual dining experience! However, once in a while, even a well-established chain will take the time to upgrade their look for a fresh spin on classic favorites. If you are a restaurateur, read this article today to learn how one casual-dining giant is rebranding themselves!


Read the full article here: TGI Fridays Unveils Brand Overhaul



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It can be tough to be a restaurant owner with so many options to choose from in how you run your place. You may have started off small and only opened your establishment for key hours so you could have greater focus and control. But now that your business is booming, you are wondering what the best next step would be for expansion! If you are looking for tips on how to effectively grow your restaurant’s brand and client-base, read this article to learn the benefits of catering!


Read the full article here: Catering Helps Boost Zoe’s Kitchen Top Line



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In this day and age of social marketing and instant recognition, restaurant owners have to throw another factor into the mix of business: branding. Gone are the days where mom & pop shops could be indistinguishable apart from their menus and people just came in to see familiar faces over familiar foods. These days it is important for restaurant owners to not only have a solid menu, location, and staff, but it is imperative that these things work together to strengthen a unified brand that customers can respond to and learn to love. The good part, however, is that maintaining your brand is as important as maintaining your restaurant. Customers come to expect a certain type of food, but also a certain type of treatment and experience. If you are looking for a great way to establish, maintain, and strengthen your brand for your restaurants, read this article today to learn the best ways to learn from how your customers judge your brand.


Read the full article here: 5 Ways Customers Judge Your Brand



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There are many different levels of size of business in the food industry. Some companies are huge and have a global influence and brand. In the middle tier are chains that have a few establishments and a popular following in a handful of regions. Lastly we find the mom & pop smaller restaurants that have a uniquely loyal fan base. Either way, each type of restaurant can learn something from the other. If you are a larger chain or franchise owner, read this article to learn from smaller fast-casual restaurants!


Read the full article here: Big Appetite for Small


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One of the biggest problems that we face as a society is the fact that many of the foods that we make and produce will go to waste. This tragedy is magnified when you consider the amount of people that are on welfare and are hoping to eat better meals. In the food industry, we have the unique position where we can be ambassadors against food waste! If you are looking for ways to reduce food waste in your business, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Preventing Food Waste is Preferable to Biogas Conversion, Study Says



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It is no secret that there is a give and take that is inherent to the food industry. You can spend a great amount of time ensuring that you have the best chefs, food, and location in the city, but that means nothing if you don’t have any customers. There often can exist a wonderful love-hate relationship between dining staff and diners that seems to repeat in every establishment. While it is vital for restaurants to have patrons, it can also be nerve-wracking if they don’t receive enough to stay in business, or if the clientele is difficult to manage. While it is important for restaurants to focus on improving their customer service to ensure that it is optimal and positive, it is also helpful for patrons to understand the best ways to approach dining out, that are helpful for making sure the restaurant runs smoothly. If you are looking for a great way to encourage your patrons to be the best, read this article today and share it with your diners on your restaurant’s newsletter!


Read the full article here: How to Be a Delightful Diner



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When it comes to owning a restaurant, many of us are familiar with the divide between being able to only host customers and being able to serve your food from your restaurant to the front doors of your customers. Being able to deliver to your customers not only opens up your abilities for creating better profits, but is also a great way to increase your profits as well! If you are looking for a way to improve your customer service, read this article today!


Read the full article here: 90 Cents Per Mile: Delivery as a Service



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Sometimes when it comes to increasing your profits, creating a better menu, or brainstorming on how to better transition your restaurant into the new trends, you need a think-tank filled with brilliant and diverse minds to come up with creative solutions. If you are looking for a way to encourage positive change and increased diversity in your restaurant, read this article to see how bigger companies expand their development teams!


Read the full article here: Captain D’s Expands Development Team



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When you worked to open your restaurant, you probably immediately understood just how difficult it would be to manage all of the factors that go into running a food-based establishment. First, you chose the cuisine that you would feature and then you made sure to find a staff of top-quality chefs and cooks who could deliver the same type of palette and vision you imagined. Then you focused on decorating your location to set the mood and attract your ideal demographic of clientele. You have chosen your wait staff and are almost ready to release your flavors to the world, but there is one place where many restauranteurs and owners find that they need help: pricing. With the prices of the restaurant world and inflation going up, many businesses are looking for a way to stay competitive while also making sure they make a profit. If you are a restaurant owner who would like more insight on the business behind current restaurant pricing, read this article today!


Read the full article here: Are Menu Prices Rising Too Much?



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Even though spring is in the air, for many places, we are still dealing with cold weather and with that typically comes the increased chances of catching a cold. Although there is still no cure for the common cold, there are many ways in which we can prevent it by beefing up our intake of vitamin C! If you are looking for ways that your restaurant can support better health, read this article to learn how Juice it Up is combating the common cold!


Read the full article here: Juice it Up! Takes Shots at the Common Cold



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