Patrons used to want their food to only taste good. Then, a new generation of eaters wanted their food to taste great and to also taste great.

Fast-forward to current customers and most of them would like their food to taste great, be healthy, but also be created out of sustainable and local ingredients. If you own a restaurant and would like to know how to increase your sustainability, read this article today!


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There is something unique that the pub experience offers that no other restaurant has. Think about the last time you ate at an upscale restaurant. Maybe you brought a date with you and you felt the intimacy of a candle-lit dinner and found a growing connection over the great food.

Now, think about the last time you went to a fast casual place for lunch. The bright lights and quick food probably allowed you to do work through lunch or have an important phone call with a friend.

But one thing that’s undeniable about the pub experience is that it’s a place that you can come alone to and leave with a great group of friends. Something about the pub atmosphere makes it the perfect place to share a bit with a friend or clink a drink with a stranger.

Around times of professional sports tournaments, we typically see a great increase in pub revenue and attendance. If you are looking for a great way to give your restaurant a pub-like feel, check out this article today!


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Smoothies are foods with incredible high potential. There is nothing that beats a fresh smoothie with a splash of rum and pineapple on a hot day. But we have all experienced the misery that is a slushy smoothie with ice chunks and fruit that haven’t been blended in.

This is why it is important for your restaurant to invest in great smoothie-making equipment. If you own a restaurant and are looking for a better blender, read this article today!


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