Restauranteurs McDonald’s and Elevation Burgers answer questions from National Restaurant Association’s Laura Abshire about their approaches to sustainable beef sourcing at this year’s National Restaurant Association show.
Townsend Baily, director of supply chain sustainability for McDonalds answered questions on behalf of the behemoth chain with over 36,000 restaurants and Michael Berger, one of the founding partners of Elevation Burgers answered on behalf of the 60 restaurant chain.

Where’s the Beef? What You Need to Know About Eco-friendly Burgers


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Some of the hits at your favorite mainstream restaurants actually originated in smaller kitchens. Here are four hot trends making their way to the mainstream. The first is Dukka and za’atar, spices that give a rich flavor to foods like octopus or wild spinach. Next is fish caramel, which yields a sweet and salty taste. Third is benne. They offer a nutty flavoring. Lastly, Mediterranean chili pepper sauces may very well be the next sriracha.

4 trends making it onto mainstream menus


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