Published January 10, 2017

Head: How to stave off 7 killer workplace viruses

Bad business practices affects a customers perception of your business! every encounter with a customer is a chance to show them you care, bringing them back time after time. Even a simple phone call, or just having an employee there for them when they need it can make all the difference, creating an experience they […]

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4 ways design impacts the bottom line

Many consumers believe they are purchasing products when they shop, but in fact they are often purchasing the experience of shopping. The way products are displayed and promoted can have a major impact on consumer reactions to them and on how much merchandise is sold. By displaying products in ways that are appealing, accessible and […]

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5 ways restaurants can deal with soda taxes

Many cities have been adding on soda taxes. In order to offset these taxes you can try to reduce the amount of soda you spill and reconsider your refill policy. Don’t let customers refill their own drinks, and if you do, try moving the drink station to a less convenient location. You can also consider […]

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Hospitality industry backs proof of age scheme

PASS (the Proof of Age Standards Scheme) is a government-backed scheme in the UK that gives young people a valid and accepted form of proof of age identification. The scheme is supported by the Home Office, the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). Set up in January 2003, it […]

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