Published September 13, 2017

5 Steps to Promote Your Restaurant Online

The most successful businesses strive for growth, embrace the digital age, and are constantly looking for ways to deliver and exceed customer expectations. To grow their business, companies need to become customer-centric in the design of their systems, processes, and practices, and instil a culture that supports a customer-focused operating model.

A growth-focused business should incorporate the latest technology to boost the customer experience. Businesses need to keep that customer focus at the front of their mind at all times.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are many things to do when running a restaurant. Promoting your restaurant online is one.
  • First you need an online presence to promote. Buy a domain, design a website and claim it on listing sites like Yelp. Then hit social media!
  • Promote your restaurant by establishing a loyalty program then asking customers to leave a review online.

“If you make your website too long, people aren’t as likely to remember it. That’s why Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google have one-word names. It makes the domain easy to remember. Have a few domain names in mind in case yours is already taken.”

Read more:

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