Published April 11, 2016

Smart Watches, Dumb Service?

Food Handler Card


For those of us who have been in the restaurant business for a long time, we know that it can be difficult to transition your customer service with the new demands that people have from society and technology. It used to be standard that your wait-staff and kitchen staff would come to work and only focus on the present people and situations that came with each order and customer. However, now that everyone carries some sort of smart phone or device on them, many restaurateurs are noticing that their service is getting less personal. Our worlds have expanded, before a waiter’s full attention was only for the customer in front of them, but now our entire worlds are carried into our pockets and that can provide both distractions and dangers. If you own a restaurant and want to know how you can better inspire people to remain unplugged and present, read this article today!


Read the full article here:

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