Published July 28, 2016

How to engage both millennials and boomers

In Restaurant Hospitality’s article relating to generations, they speak on the lack of similarities with the old and new generations and how one can form a tie among the two to engage both age groups in your restaurant. They present some data which states that the two generations are some of the largest spenders in restaurants and the one similarity they surely share is their love of food. In addition, they also emphasize that although they do like food they also have different tastes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Millennials prefer trendy cuisines. They are drawn to the latest tableside and social-media technologies for communicating with restaurants and receiving marketing messages.
  • Millennials are also twice as likely as their older counterparts to join a rewards program based on recommendations from family or friends, according to Excentus-Ipsos survey data, even though both groups—40 percent of millennials and 49 percent of boomers—are motivated to join loyalty groups primarily to save money.
  • Delivering on these fundamentals will attract new diners, keep existing diners satisfied and support long-term engagement and advocacy from both groups. According to the NRA, great food that they can’t make at home easily is appealing to both groups (67 percent of millennials, 51 percent of boomers).

“Everyone, regardless of age, appreciates great food, great service and a sense that every restaurant employee—front or back of house—is dedicated to a singularly satisfying dining experience. Delivering on these fundamentals will attract new diners, keep existing diners satisfied and support long-term engagement and advocacy from both groups.”

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