Published November 6, 2017

Josè Andres, Alice Waters Talk About Power of Food

Food is a powerful force for change in the world today. The authors of this article, Jose Andres and Alice Waters discuss how they cooked and delivered more than 2 million meals to the victims of Hurricane Maria. These chefs stress the importance of farm-to-table and using food to bring people together, even to teach. The action of cooking brings people together and that in and of itself can bring about great change says Alice Waters in the Power of Food.

Key Takeaways:

  • When people come together to tackle challenges together, it can create a shared sense of hope.
  • Becoming an agent of change helps to turn what was impossible into something real and wonderful.
  • Students can study food chains and how it moves from fields to tables to learn about a variety of non-food subjects.

“I think we have to — all of us — keep talking. The Constitution of America, which I really love, doesn’t say, ‘I, the Person. It says, ‘We the People.’”

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